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Timothy E. Schneider, David F. Fessler and Joseph F. Grimme

Most fatal car crashes linked to distracted drivers or speeding

On Behalf of | Sep 9, 2020 | Uncategorized

Deadly accidents on the roads of Kentucky end the lives of individuals far too often. The reasons that those crashes happened in the first place tend to have much in common: The leading causes of fatal traffic accidents are distracted drivers and speeding.

Eyes off the road

Any activity that redirects a driver’s attention away from traffic qualifies as a distraction. Fatal crashes are sometimes blamed on distractions like adjusting the radio or using a cellphone. The link between cell phone usage and traffic accidents has inspired many regulations against their use by drivers throughout the country. Deadly accidents among teen and young adult drivers frequently involve distracted driving.

Speed equals greater danger

Excessive speed raises the chance of a fatal crash because the severity of a crash often corresponds to the velocity of a vehicle. More of the victims who die in accidents caused by speeding are men than women. Young men are especially prone to this outcome. Drivers impaired by drugs or alcohol tend to speed as well.

Deadliest times

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has identified certain periods when the chances of accidents are higher. Accidents cluster around weekday rush-hour periods and weekend nights. Holidays present an above-average danger as well because more people drive long distances to socialize.

Legal considerations after a fatal accident

The loss of a loved one may leave survivors reeling emotionally, but financial issues could also disrupt their life. Medical bills left by someone who received medical care prior to passing as well as burial expenses may impose hardship on the surviving family. When a fatal accident appears to involve a negligent driver, families might talk to an attorney familiar with auto accidents and wrongful death. A legal review may determine the viability of filing a lawsuit against the responsible party.